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Site Information

Version: 03
First Publication : 31st Dec 2009
Last Site wide Update:12 Feb,2012
Last Page Update:12 Feb,2012

Mirror Sites: http://NigerianBioscientist.com

Contact: admin (at) ufumes . com, +234 806 .781 .7864.

Published and maintained by UF Umeoguaju



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Discussion , interactive forum and online community of Nigerian life scientists
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Welcome to the online Community of Nigerian Bioscientists. A rapidly growing community of Nigerian Students, Scholars, Lecturers, Elites and Professionals in Bioscience related disciplines and field.- (Medical practitioners, Chemists, Parasitologists, Biochemists, Microbiologist, Lab Scientists, Plant Scientists/ Botanists, Pharmacists, etc)

As a member, you can ask other members for academic assistance, you can suggest solutions to members that ask questions that falls within your area of specialties, air your views on issues of concerns to Nigerian Bioscientists, You can share information's on the recent happenings in the Nigerian bioscientific communities etc.

This forum is created to provide a common online interactive platform for Nigerian Bioscientists in different academic disciplines, based in different parts of the world. It is intended to increase the available accessible information that every Nigerian Bioscientist can easily access.

By being a member, you can obtain academic assistance from the more experienced bioscientists, You can meet intelligent research partners interested in your projects, you can meet mentors, Advisors and new friends that shares similar passions with you.

So if you are a Nigerian Bioscientist, You are welcomed to your Online Community. You can login or Register (Free & very brief) to start participating in ongoing discussions.

Highlights of recent discussions and posts in our online community!


Introductory notes from our Newest members!

Are you a Nigerian Bioscientist?  Whats your discipline and qualification? Why not introduce yourself to the members (Bioscientists) of our online community!  There are lots of benefits to identify yourself with the community of Nigerian Bioscientist!  Below are the most recent introductory posts from newly registered members >>

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You can also introduce yourself to our online community here>>>

Enlightening other Bioscientists and non bioscientist?

Have you any information to enlighten us on, Publish them online here>>>

Non Bioscientist can seek clarifications on life science related issues from the professional bioscientists in our online community. Below are the most recent posts and discussions >>

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You can also post your questions and contributions here>>>

Follow us on facebook >>



Are you a Nigerian Bioscientists?:- (Biochemists, Microbiologist, Chemist, Animal Scientists,Plant Scientists, Medical practisioners, Pharmacists, Lab Scientists, Parasitologists and other disciplines in life sciences.).

Register your presence in the online community of Nigerian bioscientist and let the world know more about your educational qualification, research experiences, proficiencies, capabilities and challenges!

Join our online community today to participate in on going discussion amongst members of our online community.


We are out to meet your online bioscience need! >>>

  • World Recognitions?
  • Research Assistance?
  • Academic Assistance?
  • Job searches?
  • Latest Nigerian Bioscience News and Event notifications?
  • Free access to Online resources?
  • Solutions to Bioscience problems
  • & Other online resources?


Latest members of our online bioscience community!

Join us & welcome our latest Bioscientist into our online life science community>>

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Join our bioscience online community today. Register Now>>




Have you any problem or questions as regards Laboratory precautions, Reagent preparations (specific types of reagents, stains, dyes, etc) , Dilutions and preparations of various solutions , Calculations, Estimations & Deductions and general laboratory practices etc.  Share it with the enlightened members of our online bioscience community: here>>>

Below are some of the recent & ongoing discussions and posts

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You can also post your questions and contributions here>>>




Bioscience equipments and instrumentations

Are you encountering one or two problems with operating any laboratory equipments. Feel free to post them in this section. You can also post tutorials or guides to operating any lab equipments here>>> Below is the most recent post and ongoing discussions  in this section of our online science community

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You can also post your questions and contributions  here>>>



Below are the highlights of the recent notifications of bioscience news and events and Nigerian bioscience job opening information. Feel free to browse through the whole collection here>>


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You can also post recent bioscience news and job openings here>>

More members gets the house real interesting, educational and beneficial to all, you can participate in building a better and more effective online community by sending out words about http://nigerianbioscientist.com/interact/ to other Nigerian Bioscientist.

Google Groups
Subscribe to Recent life science news and headlines
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"Recent life science news and headlines" is a one stop science news group and free monthly e-newsletter for both scientists and non scientist. We actively scan through some of the world most current and reliable science news sites to bring you interesting and newsworthy bioscience, medical, general science and research findings headline collections. So, you can now always be the first to get that news/story. Subscribing to Recent life science news and headlines ensures that you have our free monthly e-news collections delivered right into your email box.You can access our most current e-news collections HERE.



Nigerian Bioscientists interactive forum and Online community:::

Over 3000 members and counting...

Your opinions, questions and contributions counts, to creating a better online community.


Information and News on Nigerian Bioscientists related issues:::


Online Publishing:::




Most recent forum posts:::

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Has this site been of any use to you? You can help us by informing other Nigerian Bioscientists and indeed all bioscientist about us. You can also help us to serve you better! . Thanks for visiting nigerianbioscientist.com!
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Are you a Nigerian Scientist?, We are out to meet your Bioscience needs.
Join Us today & Let your voice be heard!


Join us in welcoming newly Registered Nigerian Bioscientist.
Click Here

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What you stand to gain by being a member.

> International Recognitions,
Assistance to research and academic challenges,
>Nigerian Science Jobs, Latest Nigerian & world Bioscience news information,
> online science community
>and lots of other free science resources.

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